
Training Institute

Engaged Communities Consulting provides skill-building and support for all staff levels and community members to address the unique challenges facing organizations and communities that seek greater diversity and inclusion.

Training for staff and outreach workers/community organizers includes implicit bias, building authentic relationships, creating belonging, communications and outreach strategies, conflict resolution, and self-care techniques. 

Learn more about the Training Institute.

Ongoing Support of Outreach Workers

For a small monthly fee, your outreach workers can access expert and peer support for their everyday challenges for building practices that deepen their work and job satisfaction while decreasing staff turnover.

Community Engagement Strategy & Operations

Are you looking to build better community engagement strategies, or do you have a specific need for a short-term project? We can design and implement programs that will empower disenfranchised communities and increase participation in specific programs and projects.

Latino Outreach & Engagement

Our growing Latino community is eager to be engaged in culturally appropriate ways. Gain insights into their needs, barriers, and aspirations. Develop strategies for building long-term relationships. Our experts will help your organization grow to meet this community opportunity. 

Strategic Communications

Coordinate your communications strategies to gain more impact and better engagement. We will work with you to design communications plans for your programs or events that have a greater impact.